That's where I discovered the myriad of uses for the economical canvas drop cloth. If you've been using them to just plop a can of paint on and catch paint drips, you are definitely missing out.
I had an ottoman that needed a new slipcover (because I shrunk that last one in the dryer) and I saw plenty of Pinterest posts that used these drop cloths for upholstery and curtains. Since the natural color of the drop cloth was perfect for my ottoman, I popped into Home Depot and snagged a large medium weight one for the ridiculously reasonable cost of $14. And I knew that after sewing the slipcover I would have plenty of cloth leftover for another project.
After rearranging my dining room, I had recently vacated wall that needed BIG ART. But BIG ART = expensive.
And I am
Have I ever mentioned that I have a boatload of leftover paint? I believe I have. Anyway, I wouldn't even need to purchase any paint for this project. If I didn't have the color I needed, I could probably mix it from the stash that I had.
I stretched and stapled the drop cloth over the 3' x 5' wood frame my husband made (total cost $17), then primed it with 2 coats of leftover flat white latex paint.
Then the fun began! Armed with a color copy of my inspiration painting, courtesy of Pinterest, over the span of a week, I painted, waited for paint to dry, then continued painting. And I was able to just use brushes I already had from other house painting projects. At some point I realized the painting looked too angry, so I eliminated some of the more jagged bits.
But now, I'm super happy with the way it turned out (even if it bears little resemblance to the painting I was copying). And my doubting husband is pretty impressed with it, too.
So, here it is, hanging in my dining room!
What I learned from this project:
1. It's fun to push yourself to try something new (especially when you know any failures won't cost you that much).
2. Got my BIG ART for $17. (I don't count the cost of the drop cloth since I had to buy that for my slipcover project, and I figure any leftover material, like paint, is just bonus.
3. Not sure how I lived without Pinterest.